Community Value Survey: Block 16 + 18

Community Conversations
Published By: AAUL
Date: October 20, 2022

The Austin Economic Development Corporation (AEDC), a new local government corporation working on behalf of the City of Austin to advance equitable development, is working on behalf of the Urban Renewal Board to help advance the development of Blocks 16 and 18 on 11 Street (926 + 1106 E. 11th Street). Over the next few months, AEDC and its consultants, Page and Hayat Brown (planning + real estate advisory partnership), AJ Bingham, and Public City, will be engaging the public to help shape the criteria that will be included in the solicitation for the future developer of the parcels. This effort will build off of much input from planning and engagement efforts over the years, and updated criteria and objectives from the community that will be included in the future RFP.

The following survey helps provide the Urban Renewal Board valuable insight on future development for these blocks, two parcels owned by the Urban Renewal Board, and will be developed through a competitive Request for Proposals process later this year. This survey is open through Tuesday, October 25th 2022. Please submit your response as soon as possible following this link!

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