Mom’s Brain Cooler
Saturday, July 8th
Camp Lucy Resort, Dripping Springs, TX

Mom’s Brain Cooler
The Austin Area Urban League is thrilled to present the second annual Mom’s BrainCooler, July 8th, 9AM – 5PM at the beautiful Camp Lucy Resort, Dripping Springs, TX.
This day will unfold with a series of educational and recreational sessions that are intended for moms to relax, release and redeem.
If you would like to have your organization participate, learn about sponsorship opportunities or have questions about the event, please contact Quincy Dunlap at momsbraincooler@aaul.org

The Rundown
Sessions with Ballet Austin, Succulent Native and even a winery tour are just little of what we have in store. Of course, just as last year, we will have tons of giveaways!
This event is offered at no cost to attendees.
Continue to check this page periodically for updates and follow us on instagram.com/momsbraincooler and facebook.com/momsbraincooler.