Housing & Community development
Every home should be healthy and happy

This program provides repairs to owner-occupied homes located in the City of Austin. The homeowners assisted by this program must reside in the City of Austin and their incomes may not exceed 80% of the Median Family Income (MFI) as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Services under this program include customer recruitment, screening and selection of eligible customers, and the supervision of repairs on homes owned by low-income residents. See income requirements here.
- Crisis Intervention Assistance: repairs to homes which would alleviate those situations which present life-threatening conditions such as leaking gas pipes or electrical wire short-circuiting.
- Repair Assistance: repairs to homes, which would alleviate threats to health and safety of occupants.
- Major System Repairs: repairs to or replacement of major operating system(s) of a home: electrical, plumbing, roofing, mechanical and heating systems.
"Every American lives in safe, decent, affordable and energy efficient housing on fair terms"
2025 Urban League Empowerment Goal

Go Repair – General Obligation Bond Home Repairs Program (GOB-HRP)
The purpose of the General Obligation Bond Home Repairs Program is to address substandard housing conditions of low and moderate income homeowners residing within the corporate city limits of the City of Austin. The program provides financial assistance to make repairs that will eliminate health and safety hazards and/or provide improved accessibility.

Minor Home Repair Services
The Austin Area Urban League’s (AAUL) Housing Department revitalizes Austin neighborhoods and helps to keep homeowners in their homes by ensuring low and mid-income.
Austin residents receive the repairs needed to maintain a healthy living environment. Repairs include:
- Air Conditioning
- Electrical
- Heating
- Plumbing
- Roofing
- Own and occupy the home being repaired
- Current on all property taxes or have a deferral plan
- Live within the limits City of Austin
- Meet income guidelines (below 80% Median Income)
- Have repair needs that meet MHR criteria
AAUL HUD Price NOFO Survey
Contractor Opportunities
Interested in working as a contractor for our Minor Home Repair Services or Go Repair programs?
Contact us
Contact us to learn more about our services, volunteer opportunities, and ways to support the movement.